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Feeling: experimental
I have a friend with severe Bi-polar disorder. And so I am stuck in a situation where I don't want to upset him in case he goes on a massive downer, but I can't keep going on the way it is because he is so damn intense to a point where it is fucking creepy. Always writing songs about me and complimenting me on EVERYTHING. Which probably sounds nice to some people...but it's like 10 messages a day telling me I'm a wonderful person. I'M NOT A WONDERFUL PERSON AT ALL...I'm ok, but he is putting me on this pedestal and sooner or later I'm gonna have to come crashing down cos it just isn't me. Does that make me sound awful? I don't think I even care because it is really grating on me. I'm not stable enough in myself to be someone else's crutch.
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please afford me time to complete the first act. it is missing the most important organ--i will brief you once found. thump-thump thump-thump. stay tuned

have a mutual mutated friend with 8 eyes and 4 arms speak with bi-polar bear about your unease. might be that you may survive this unscathed. i doubt it though. you are in a conundrum.

talking heads - psycho killer **
I know that feeling of writing something worth reading it's hard sometimes b/c you know your going to be your own hardest critic.
I really hate reading books for classes isn't the worst! I know what you mean about not really having time though I feel that way a lot. But I can some who find time to read online or spend like 5 hours a day in front of a tv I don't get how things are well.
I applied about two years ago and changed my mind after reading the contract, since then I've gained some weight but they still have my profile and account whenever I'm ready to start. I'm giving myself 3 weeks tops and then I have to have a set on site, so says me.
:D I hope. I don't want to get hurt though.

This coming Thursday the 15th :D
Ooooh. I want to smoke a spliff!
I've also wanted to try these cigarettes. They're called Blacks. And they have some that are cappuccino flavored XD I've heard Blacks are really smooth too, so yay :D

And about your friend being bi-polar, I agree. I also have a friend that's bi-polar and he was constantly attached to me a long while back. I didn't like seeing him hurt so I would talk to him and make him feel better. And he did the exact same thing, but he didn't write songs. I don't like it when people get really attached to me. It feels creepy. I stopped talking to him so much thinking he would back off a bit, you know? But I didn't let him know that.
I don't think it means you're awful. I've felt that way though. It's not fun :/. I think the best thing would be to tell him to back off the compliments a bit. But yeah, it's a tough situation cause you don't know how they're going to react :/
His name is Jordan :) He's pretty too. With a lip ring :D He makes me giggle. I almost never giggle. Ahaha :P

Haha, yay for spliffs! I've never heard it though. But I'm glad I just learned a new word :D

Hopefully I get to do SOMETHING on my birthday. I'm going to be sixteeeeen! :D I'm excited.
fuuuuuuuuuuck shank beat me to it!

but i guess i'll go ahead and say it anyway:

you're a wonderful person
you're a wonderful person.
you're a wonderful person.

; )

i went over to a friend's house today and when i pulled up to the place the street across was "dandelion rd."
I don't believe that I have ever phoenixville well in pa anyways. No worries I'm sure you getting a great education where you are going now.
I wish I could say the same about the stuff I write I have some dark stuff some weird stuff and some sappy stuff. I don't write a lot and I'm horrible at spelling that's perhaps why I never went into english. Never really wanted to be a teach anyways. Perhaps sometime if you would not mind sending me something so I could read it. I love reading. I even sit around and read harry potter fan fiction I'm such a nerd that way. I think i just love the make believe world that JKRowling created.
Dear Dandelion,

You are a wonderful person.

Love, Shank

My dad is severely Bipolar as well, so i know the feeling. You want to be there for them but it's also painful to be around them. Good luck, I hope everything works out as best as it can
I think that you will have no problem saying it just approach it lightly and kind of test out the waters you know.
Did you ever write a novel? If so what was it about? As far as scriptwriting goes what do you like writing about?
I would love to move somewhere other than here I hate the states. Well they could always use English teachers in Canada.
If things would not have fell though would you have gone to school out here. Where was the place in Pen. that you were going to move?
I live in a small little town called Ephrata in Pennsylvania I go to school in Allentown that's about an hour away from my home town and a small city. I just hope it's what I want to do with the rest of my life and I'm not wasting my time you know. So you like scriptwriting? I think that's really awesome, I was going to school for technical theatre but i wanted something i would make good money in you know. kind of like your degree to get you somewhere. What do you want to do with it when you get out? As for your friend I think that perhaps you should sit down and tell him how you feel I know bipolor is something that is very touchy but I'm sure he still would like you to treat him like a normal person. I would just explain how you think it's nice he writes songs about you but you don't think your that great of a person and your afraid that you will disappoint him someday so it would make you feel better if he didn't write the songs or perhaps compromise and just not tell you about them
i have a friend like that too
but its a girl
and i guess she doesnt write songs about me haha.

thats such a touch situation though...

sorry for the random comment from a random sitdiary'er, its just nice to see SOME ppl are still using this! haha take care