Colour me blue...

Feeling: rushed
"I don't know anything at all" So, I did some more sunbathing in the park yesterday with the boys (Brett & Frenchie of course). Finally a Great British summer. I was feeling pretty attractive too as I've managed to lose 4 - 5lbs in about a week and there was a gorgeous boy who looked like Leo DiCaprio in 'The Beach' who I'm convinced checked me out a little. Anyway, around half 5 I walked up to meet Gav & we went to his for the usual smoke and films. He asked me if I'd lost weight, I grinned saying yes. He asked me if I'd been bad, I lied at first then admitted it. He says he isn't still bulimic, but I'm not sure I believe him. All was going ok until SEX came into the equation followed by feelings and it all fell apart from there really. We didn't sleep with each other, we were millimetres away but when it came down to it, it didn't happen. He said he was stoned and nervous or something. I felt the way I always do with sex, stupid and gross. So then we were cuddling in the dark and he whispered "I really like you". I heard him but still asked "What?" and he said "nevermind". Then this morning he said it again louder so I couldn't miss it. My response? "But I'm leaving for 2 months" I'm not exaggerating when I say no one spoke for 10 minutes. We just lay there not making eye contact until eventually he left silently for a shower. It all got sorted (although I suppose the damage has still been done)when I text him (stupid I know) explaining that I do like him, but I don't like long distance. He said it's not that far away and he can come down sometimes and that he isn't being clingy, just interested. Thing is, I don't know where I want this to go but i'm pretty sure it's not in the same direction that he wants it to go.
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