I can here the sirens coming...

Only because their is a hospital and a fire station up the road. Seriously, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, always blasting past my flat with their stupid new sirens. It's that or the police helicopter hovering over us for hours looking for a villain in the building site behind us, who probably fucked off and hour ago lol! Anyway, today was a good day (till now cos I am sick). Had an hour long lecture for dramatic story/scriptwriting then me and Gary found our new favourite pub, The Hancock. It's one of those Scream pubs (like the painting the scream) and it has a chandelier of beer bottles and the wall sconces are upside down silver beer mugs. And it has THE BEST sausage and mash EVER! I love my mash, and that was perfect. We were planning on doing some studying but that went out the window. At 2pm we had our canon lecture on Daniel Defoes 'Moll Flanders' which was really interesting, except me and Gary Danger, as I like to call him, were in the grip of hysterics over our dirty 'diorrhea' limericks which was made worse when the lecturer said this "Celia, Celia, Celia shits". He was talking about when a 17th Century man realised the female of the species was not all angelic but did also have foul bodily functions haha! x
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