Sky rockets in flight (boooo)...

Listening to: Miami ink
Feeling: kawaii
A week today (well technically yesterday) till we're livin' in 'the Toon' as Kris insists on calling it. In fact EVERYONE insists on calling it. Well not me. I REFUSE! I don't really have much to say tbh. Except that I got a haircut today. I'm trying to get my hair grown out so it was mainly just a trim, but I got my fringe (bangs) cut short again. Yaaay! x
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ps. 'afternoon delight! (boowiiiiip!)'
my fringe could use a bit of a trim. thanks for reminding me, hehe.
have fun at uni ;)
Oh, no, please don't feel like that.
My uni is very strange, there are only the odd handful of people that seem to like going out with other people. The people at your university will probably be fine.
And the course is good. If you enjoy writing, you'll like the tips and little exercises they give you to do, they're really very fun and useful! I'm just on a downer because my friend abandoned me and now I need to face that class alone.

I hope you enjoy your time at uni. I'm sure you will :)

- Frostie