
Listening to: stupid girl-garbage
Feeling: hateful
Here's a story about a kite. never mind. Who gives a shit about a god damned kite. It wasn't even about a kite anyways. It 'symbolized' something. HAH. I have the story written in my purple journal that is currently residing in my lap, but I don't feel like typing it, because it's really gay and doesn't explain anything. My black eye is getting bigger. I punched myself in the face so hard earlier. Don't ask why... ajhdafiadfalamlkdfjagoingslkjdinsane. Stupid girl dreamed of once ruling the world She came up too short Always a bit late The few that she loves are the same that she hates. Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead You don't know how I feel if it's never been said. How gay are those? Extremely, I think. I REALLY want somebody to bitch at me right now. No, I'm lying. But do it. You know you want to. Why do I always do this. WHY CAN I GO FROM BEING SO FUCKING HAPPY TO A SHIT MOOD IN .5 SECONDS. I DON'T GET IT. NOTHING EVEN FUCKING HAPPENED. Maybe that's just it. I think I deserve this black eye. It doesn't even hurt. The numbness is quite nice. ::wonders:: Why am I about to cry. uh hah uh hah uh hah. Insanity. You know what? I'm masochistic. And I do indeed like being controlled. I'm not joking. Lola just jumped in my lap. She's quite the angel. It seems as if she has no care in the world. Everything she sees, she sees it in a positive light. There are no negative things around her (except for maybe the toilet, but that's another story). I wish I could be like that. Free of insecurities and negativity. Free of all these god damned thoughts that run through my head.
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