
Hahah. Friday was awesome. I went to the movies wiht Lyle and we saw Chicken Little and it was pretty cool. The little girls behind us were so funny. He bought me a ticket too, too bad I didn't know until I'd already bought one and gotten inside. hahahah. He's so sweet and says no girl has ever made him feel the way I do and such, and lajsdlkajfjaflak. But...idk. It's like I can't feel loveydovey feelings towards him. Towards anybody. I've forgotten how to feel. I think maybe mentally I know I've been hurt that way too many times so it really has hardened itself so I won't have butterflies or anything. However...when I was at the movies I had a feeling I was going to be like Kyle from South Park and puke if Lyle even tried to kiss me. LMFAO. luckily that dind't happen though. THen my weekend sucked. Nothing new there though. I have to go write my friend a letter. She moved up to Michigan not too long ago and wrote me a letter so I may as well write her back, ya know? Woop woop pen pals.
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