Dammit Brittany!

Igh. I hang around Brittany too much. I'm starting to get into the same...erm..moods as her. To say the least. Like...CONSTANTLY. Hahahah but only at the wrong times though. Like in a bookstore, or at concerts. Yeah. I've come to realize that whenever I go to concerts I tend to get horny. LMFAO. Anyways. So yeah last night was neat. Me and Kerry hung out at Barnes and Noble drinking caramel frappuccinos reading erotic novels aloud to each other. lmfao. They were quite interesting, to say the least. Then we saw Charla there and I harassed her. I'm mean. It was fun though. Hmmm. I was in a bad mood today. But things don't seem so terrible anymore. But it seems like every day it's getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning. To go through the day being happy and such, when really it's not the case. I'vehadsomanythoughtsofsuicidethatitsunbelievable. Face it. I'm just not happy. Never have been, never will be. I guess nobody can change that... ::sigh::
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