Nonsense and rubbish

I'm a bitch. Yeah. I guess I'll explain a little of why. For some reason lately I've been 'fooling' myself into thinking that I really like these guys...and they don't even start out liking me at first. And I don't know what the hell I do since I don't know how to flirt and I'm not pretty or anything, but then they start to like me and we go out. I'm a bitch because deep down I know that my feelings aren't the same as theirs...but I always just hope that in time my feelings towards them will change. ...and they didn't. That's how I seem to screw everything up. I wish I was like Cory and Topanga. They're so pretty and perfect together. They're on tv and explaining to his parents what they really think love is. It's so sweet. I want too much out of life. I need to come back down to earth. Yeah. The cell phone doesn't work, still. And my feet hurt really bad from walking home. I had a really fuckin' scary dream about dinosaurs too. And I'd had the dream within my dream, and so I knew what was going to happen but they kept trying to attack us no matter where we ran. I woke up from it breathing really hard and scared. haha. Weirrrd. I wanna sleep with you. ...lmfao. Yeah. sure I do. I suppose. That'd be cool. kthx.
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