Take it all

Bored=me My lips are so chapped it's terrible. I hate it. Oh and thanks for eating my chapstick Damien. hahaha. I wanna go rollerskating all the time now. I love it. It's a fun thing for me to do. Even if I do make a fool of myself. I still enjoy it a lot, hehe. Valentine's day is coming up. I don't have a valentine. But that's okay. Who needs it anyways? I wouldn't know what to get a guy anyways. Hah. Whatever. I'm getting tired of centering all my entries. It looks kinda ugly. I'll stop after this one maybe. I hate having lopsided boobs. lmfao. I have this D bra and one of my boobs is too big for it, while the other one just barely fits it.It's annoying. I guess I have to live with it. HAH. I just remembered something fkn funny from last year. I was being dumb so I let Brandon feel me up, and I told him he could for just real quick. And then like 7 seconds later I loook down and his hand is still there like rubbing all over my boob and I'm like wtf. Hahahaha I'm so gay. Oh well. It's not like it felt bad or anything ;) but from him? Uh no. I'm okay. heh. I'm dumb. And tired. I'm always tired lately. And my back hurts really bad as well. But whatever. Kori's mom never wrote me back, but that's okay I guess. It's reassuring just to know that we've contacted each other though. I'm running out of time to post this entry before it erases. Bye.
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