He felt her and I laughed...

So yeah. My boyfriend put his hand between Brittany's legs today. And I just laughed my ass off. Maybe I should explain? Okay...so this morning me and Brittany were really cold so we went and sat on the floor and cuddled up real close underneath her powerpuff girl blanket *like always* Well Lyle comes over and sits down by me...and he puts his arms around me...and then decides to let his hand wander...but me and Brittany were so close to each other that he thought it was me... but it was between her legs. LMFAO. My god. That was terrible. My teeth really hurt. Igh. I lost my lipring while at the orthodontist, so I have to let the hole close up now, ergh. Ohwell. It would've had to close up in 2 weeks anwyways... Lyle's starting to get more touchy-feely and junk, and it's really rad. But at the same time he's getting more flirty with other girls. :shrugs: Maybe he's just horny. Lmao. Wouldn't surprise me. Nopenopenope. My ortho. said that my lips are fuller than most peoples. hahahaa. They aren't though! I wish...haha. Nothing more to say. Just thought I'd state some funny crap. Good day.
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