Save your breath

Today actually wasn't that bad of a day. The weather is fabulous and it truly makes me smile :) But friends are mean...and make me cry. But that's another story I guess. I was in last period and had some time to kill, and I was kinda sad, so I figured I may as well write up a poem. It's not all that good, but I like posting my work. I'm getting tired of this. I'm gonna breeeak! I'm so tired... of trying to make myself perfect only to make others happy of trying to keep my mouth shut only to avoid confrontation Of looking away only to see you in my thoughts I'm so sick For desperately wanting her to go away Since I'm only being selfish Of wanting you Since I'm numb to the touch For being a fake And trying not to feel Especially for covering up Something that I know is real... I need to stop. Stop trying to shrug off my emotions as if they're nothing. I have to stop saying 'whatever' whenever something is bothering me. I tried so hard not to cry. So hard... And then I just really wanted a hug.
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Aw, thanks!

♥/ /chelly ♥