Nice to Be Back!

Listening to: My classmates
Feeling: bouncy
How is everybooooooooooooooo-dee? I'm just dandy! I'm in Activity Period here at school and since the diary has been screwed up the past few nights at home I figured that I'd get on here and say hey. And guess what? It's FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :) This week's been pretty decent. My legs were sore most of the week from track but they are definitely getting better. Tonight I'm going to town and hopefully going to talk mom into taking me to the China buffet (YUM) because Dad and Zack don't like Chinese. Well anyways, I'm gonna go and check the other diaries. Weekend, here I come! Ciao! Looney Lulu Lunatic
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You need to spend the night at my house this weekend! ^_^
Hey How was practice? fun? lol j/k.
btw I never asked you did you have to work at that damned spagetti dinner?
Sarah wrote me a second letter for Senior Night last night and gave it to me like 10 min before the bell, it's really deep. You'll have to read it

p.s........I saw a certain somebody with his shirt off the other day, and well lets just say, I think you want to talk to me don't you? mmm-hmm! lol
Love ya