Busy Beaver

Listening to: nothin\'
Feeling: active
Hey all. I've spent all afternoon making another friend, Sabra, a diary! Yay, another member of the Hickersville girls have one! ^.^ You should look at it, she's airgoddess890 on sitdiary. As of now, I was going to watch Survivor with my *gasp* family, but Mousey wanted me on to talk and help her with her own diary if I was needed. It's a busy night, turns out. It's 8:30 and I've still got to wash my hair and do my homework. Other stuff will probably come up too though, so it's more than that even sounds like. Anyway, I probably should go. Ciao y'all. The Blob
Read 3 comments
kiplee likes chocolate !!! he's a
little girl...and lucky he hates those god damn jelly beans and if you give lucky a jelly bean ...he'll puke chocolate on kiplee and they'll go cwazy! ^_~
Survivor rules!!!
You are not a beaver...yet...MWHAHAHA!