Not Noon Yet

Man. I didn't know how tired I was last night until I hit that pillow. I've been more tired before, but still. It was a sleepyfest. This morning I got up and was going to drink a Slimfast for lunch, just because I was lazy and it sounded good, but then something was really messed up about it and I resorted to Jello. Yay. lolol Ok, now that I'm at least halfway alive (surprisingly it's not noon yet though), I want to talk about my trip. However. the people that I'm going to tell about it will probably read this sometime, and I'll end up telling them a second time when I talk to them myself. It'd be boring to read about something then hear about it afterward, so I think that I'll just wait and tell them. You guys know who you are. (Jess, Justin's on the comp right now, but I've still got that revised scene I wrote on Sunday ready for you. Btw, if I forget, remind me to tell you about "sake" and the "Abercrombie and Fitch bag." They resonate deeply *dramatic pause*.... inside my soul... *laughs and grins* Sorry everybody, stupid inside joke...) Well, I'm going to head off now. Everyone have a splendid day. (Two kids, sister and brother, are in a mall with their parents. The sister walks in her third Hot Topic in the past day and a half. The parents are scared to go in Hot Topic, so they resort to watching the brother look at the car in the middle of the junction. The sister talks to the hott guy in charge there, looks around to find the one thing she wants, and is sad to find out that this store is sold out too. However, she does find some amusement in looking at other things.) Sister: *to herself* Hmm... cool. A little Asian doll. Brother: *walks up behind the sister casually* Hey. Sister: *tilts her head, not meanly but a little curiously* Hey. What are you doing in here? Brother: Mom and Dad went into some dumb store. Sister: Oh, that's cool. Sister and Brother look at stuff for the next minute. Brother: Dude! Brit, look at this! Sister: *turns around* Brother: *laughs* This is awesome. Sister: *looks down and sees what it is, then laughs* Brother: I want this, man. Sister: ...o.O Brother: What? Don't you think it's cool? Sister: It's not that, Zack. Brother: What are you giving me that look for then? Sister: Because Mom is NOT going to buy you a Cartman moshi pillow. -Brittany
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