Roxie...Heart! ^.~

Feeling: awesome
Not a bad dance! Ok, today was just so great that it's weird it wasn't too good to be true. So simple, but yet sooooo much fun. I woke up, got ready, and went to Momma's first. We had dinner and cake and I opened some presents. They were cute. ^.^ Next I came home and Jess got to come over. We played Soul Calibur 2 for about 3 hours and when we were 25-25 even, we decided to quit Versus Mode. (It's a fighting game kinda like Tekken and we are both VERY competitive, hahaha). Then Trish was able to come over around five. We showed her a little of the game, then we did her homework. We all ate tacos & fortune cookies for supper outside on a blanket on my porch. Then we all went up to my room, lit some candles, sang some songs, and goofed off for the rest of the night. They went home about an hour and a half ago. What's better? That get together is just a mini version of what this Friday will be like, where (almost) ALL of my friends can spend the whole night! And after that is SPRING BREAK! YEAH!! Wow I am so happy right now, if something depresses me this week I'm gonna be pissed at it. Cuz I'm really happy and it feels GOOD! =) Girl on Cloud Nine
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hmph that's so funny, i listened to the chicago soundtrack like, twice today... and that song's the one i'm singin for show choir tryouts... haha well anyway glad u had a good bday later daze
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