All This Time You Were Pretendin'

Hey all. Haven't written up in a while, so here goes. Since then, I've gotten my senior pictures taken. They were a blast. Felt sorry for my poor cat, who sat in a cage for about 4 hours, but she got chicken from Arby's for being good. ^.^ The guy was slightly strange, but I didn't mind. His quirkiness made things more fun, if anything. I just hope one thing now, to icing the cake: that they turn out. Had our Youth Girls Night on Friday. It was quite fun being a "princess" for the night. *grins* Got to eat spagetti too.... yummy! Not to mention Wal-mart.... people were looking at us in our formals like "wtF?!" It was funny, the distinctions between reactions. My prom heels weren't fun to journey around the place in, though. Thank goodness I don't have any blisters, at least. Omg, I had voice lessons with Mrs. Hendrix on Wednesday, and it was awesome. She had me sing something from Phantom of the Opera, which I'm like, obsessed with..... so I was like, "YES!!" Super-superness. Because practicing and getting the tune etc. in my mind before the next lesson all give me one more reason to listen to PotO all the time. *grins* I swear, I've been having some crappy ass dreams lately. Like, not just one bad one, which casually only happens every so often (so I don't mind as much), but the past few nights in a row, I've been having these nonsensical, dull, drawn out crappy dreams that just make sleep not so enjoyable. Last night's particularly sucked, probably because I actually remember two of them. Not to mention the subject that one of them had to deal with. Eck. >.< Get to go to Momma's for dinner today. Food, yummy yummy. Hope Audrey's there so I can ask her about borrowing something, but she may be with Aaron since she's in Eville during the week for college now. I'm gonna head out I think. Going to look up some information on bloodtypes before I get ready for Momma's. Cyaz. -Brittany
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