See the Future, We Can

Feeling: abnormal
Hey y'all! Holly is here at my house with me. (Holly says "Ello everyone!") Well my friends, we have dark and ominous things to tell you. *nod nod* Horrid, DREADFUL things... THEY COME AT NIGHT..... when you have waaaaaaaaaay too much sugar. BWAHAHAHHAHAA...... but we must warn you of a certain SONG. Twista's 'Celebrity' has CHIPMUNKS POSSESSED by DRUGs!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Also....... never buy/rent the game Evergrace.... IT SUCKS!!! AHHHHHHH!!! He can't jump, you have to press to buttons to make him run, and his attack? SUCKS. Woooooow, imagine THAT. Well anyway, he's stupid too. He talks to glowing stingray bird half breeds that thinks she's a human.... riiiiiiight, that's not drug induced at all....... O.O we're kinda worried for you, buddy. The Invasion of Brittany the Evil and Christine the Ass
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