The Simulations 2 University..? Wouldn't that sound weird?

Didn't get a whole lot of sleep again last night; after trying to get back to sleep, find some way to mentally entertain myself, or get up, I was bored enough before 8 to get out of bed, if that tells you anything. Made some special people on The Sims 2 University yesterday, so I made some more with my extra time. Last night I was going to talk with Jess, but since she wasn't on, I bet Justin wanted on, and since we're ALWAYS on anymore, he won out. *laughs* I swear, her house is like a copy of my house at times, only everybody has blonde hair there. (Yes Jessica, I don't know if I'll ever not consider your hair blonde, even if you were to dye it jet black. Wish I knew why. *shrugs*) In the time that I wasn't making people on the Sims 2 University, I was continuing the book that Ryan gave me. It failed to convince me as to existence having to be put in place by a personal God versus the impersonal, but it certainly doesn't have me sitting there, latent in mind, as I read it either. If only it were uncorrupted by affiliation with one side's point to prove. *sighs* That always sways good intellectualism, every time. People rush what they need to to get to their point, and then they leave out small pockets inbetween (that perhaps I just catch because I try examine everything that I can). It's a pity. However, I'll bet I'd make a crappy Christian if I ever converted, or attempted to. My faith level is 0. Nil. Nada. Why would a God make someone who is that much of a pain in the ass to deal with? It's like a refined business man who genetically creates a son that dresses in all black and blows his family's ears out with loud, obnoxious music from his band in the garage. *laughs* Ah well, I'm going to leave now. Buh byez everybody! -Brit
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I know what you mean...
jesus said, "If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move a mountain..." brit, i think it's awesome that you want to understand everything before making a decision. just realize that you're never going to know or understand everything. that's where the faith part comes in. you've got to trust that someone knows everything and they're taking care of you, that they're looking towards your best interests.