Johnny Depp Talks to Bull Frogs.

Ok, I am rather dazed right now. You know how the drunk man looks when he's walking around? Or basically, a Johnny Depp that isn't a movie star and isn't hott or acting or being a pirate or... whatever. Add a euphoric and melancholic element to that, and that's what I'm like right now.... but what the fuck's up with that? *shrugs* It sounds so.... I don't even know. Don't care tonight. Had a pretty decent night. Wrote a whole entry on this too, but I decided it was kinda... messed up. Like me right now, lol. I think I might go to sleep and see how long I can say awake looking at everything.. in the dark! LOL... ok, so that wasn't funny, but that's.. just... bleh. I'm going now. Have a wonderful SLEEP!!! And to all the insomniacs in the world, that don't get to go to sleep... talk to the bullfrogs. They're good folks, I promise. Well then, tah tah, now! -Krusty the Clown
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