It's So Hard Just Letting Go

Hey all. Not a big entry tonight, just some everyday info to talk about. Mom got my appointment for senior pictures. Next Wednesday, yay. Been picking out outfits for that, when I wasn't playing Oregon Trail II. That game is so ghetto, but I must say that beating the rapids tonight for the first time ever was a feat. (To explain what I mean, the strategy guide says more than once that these are sheer "suicide" and to take the portage around them; moreover, only one member of the game's entire design team was able to conquer them, with two months of straight attempts.) On a side note, this had consequences: in hand with my gaming and fashion satisfaction comes the knowledge that I now have not one, but two days of math homework built up to do. Not to mention signing up for SATs and my NHS submission form to complete. And binder decorating, when I have the chance. Perhaps I should meditate while reciting a mantra before I fall to sleep, something like, "I will not slack off on my schoolwork. I will not slack off on my schoolwork. OOOOM." *grins* if. I love typing on this thing with my cat all cuddled up, beside me in the desk cubby hole, but I need some sleep. So with much love, guyz and dollz, I blow you a farewell kiss. Hoping to see you on the flip side someday. -Britterz
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