What's Such Thing as a "Square" Dance?

Listening to: Navy NCIS Theme
Feeling: sluggish
Hi all. It's one in the morning on this fine Friday night, and I just got in the door. This essay may sound like a grouchfest, but it's actually not because I'm in a decent mood despite today's "chronicles." Last night I had a ton of homework, but still ended up going to youth. Dumb idea. Beforehand, I only had time to do my gargantuan Chem II assignment. When I got home, I wrote my Tech essay rather quickly, getting to bed at midnight. Then I had to wake up early, re-revise my English essay before school, go to school early (which was not so early since I had to drive slow after noticing I was on E gaswise) to do my math notebook that I had forgotten there, and read 16 pages of a novel.... all this completed before second period on five and 1/2 hours sleep. Then third period, I had a math quiz for which I hadn't had time to make a page of notes, let alone to study for. (Not that I would have done the latter of those two math options, though.) In the afternoon, even though Dad had gone to school and given me a little gas, I still had to fill up, so I had to take a fun little escapade in the absolutely pouring rain. My plans weren't until 8:30 tonight. Once I got home, around 4:30, I decided to take a nice little nappie-nap until six. Settled down at 5 and figured, "Eh, this is a nap. It won't be long until I wake up, and I'll know to get ready." WRONG. My mom wakes me up at 6:38, asking me if I want a hamburger leftover from "the cookout." It took me 3 times to get the gist of the hamburger (aka food) and another for the cookout detail. I did not even know what cookout it was, when it was my brother's golf cookout they were at the night before. However, I was so incoherent that I thought was being woken up at 6:38 ***AM*** for school, and Mom was asking about that for breakfast, even when she never asks what food I want for breakfast if she's even home then. Didn't even click until about 3 minutes later that it was Friday night and 6:38 ***PM***. Which wouldn't have been bad... had I not told Jacob I'd stop by his house and see him before I met the girls at 8:30, and planned on doing so. I hope he doesn't think that I blew him off; heck, before last night, I hadn't seen him in over a month. Once I got to La Fiesta, everything was fine. (My car door deciding to open of its own accord while I was pulling out of La Fiesta - with Jess Flicky, Trisha, and Tony in the car, too - was quite funny.) However, 10 minutes into the movie we went to see, Trish and Tony asked if we'd be offended if they left. Trisha's jacket and Tony's cell were in my backseat, so Trish said to call her when the movie was over. Turns out that Trish's cell was in Lilly Jo's pocket. The movie was gay, and afterward Jess Flicky and I drove around for about 20 minutes looking for her in town, but we had to get home, so goodness knows where she's at and what she's doing. Flicky feels a little blown off. All I know is that I've got Trish's jacket, her cell, and Tony's cell here with me, and I don't know how to turn Tony's off. *laughs* Quite a wild goose chase of a night: something I haven't had in a while. As I said though, I'm pretty happy though. I got to see Jess Flicky, and tomorrow I getta party with Jess, Kaitlin, Paula, and Mel, not to mention meet Tim (I think) and Kei. In my opinion, no better way to spend a weekend: catching up with friends in both groups. Except, perhaps, spending the weekend engaging in some *cough* QUALITY TIME with Gerard Butler. XDDDD *grins evilly* Well, I'm going to sleep now. I can't believe I'm a loser enough to record this all, especially after 1 in the morning. Say it with me, self: "SLEEP IS GOOD, BRITTANY." ....... Wow. That is definitely a merit for some sleep time. Now I just have to hope Tony's phone ringer doesn't wake my parents up tonight. X.X Lata, luvz! ^.~ -Brittany
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