Listening to: Nine Inch Nails
Feeling: violent
I am glad that you won the soccer game!Great job today at tucker. U did great. And now you are tied for first in the season on most goals kicked. Yay. But any who. Not bad 2-0. No offence though your team needs to be more of well.... a team! Pass the ball. Eclipse2:Yay congrats!!!!!Thanks for dedecating the game to us. Navybrat08: Hey you should have gone to the game!!!!! Chrisdiamo: GO FUCK YOURSELF OR YOUR BROTHER! ITS ALL THE SAME! If anyone wants to find out about this Chrisdiamo aka Christopher Marilyn Meads look at the preivious entry and read the comments, more towards the bottom.
Read 11 comments
my my my, do i dare even ask?
Hey amn thanks a lot, it means somethin when someone likes my poetry. As for the guy thats bothering you yeah it looks like he's a bit crazy i don't wanna get involved though...but I'm on your side :)
Thanks Sorian, I'm curious to see your work. I like NIN too by the way...
hahaha ill make sure to stop by 7/11 in the morning. thanks ...
Wow...I read Run away Romance. I love the dark imagery and the way at the end you said "kiss goodnight". It's rather chilling and has lasting effect.
haha well thats nice. Wished you lived down here so we could hang out and stuff then you could really get him good and we'll egg his house and shit.
Yeah well if you were intending to describe the school as the black dark land than you succeeded, well that's what I got out of it. It's really beautiful...have you showed him it?
Yeah I understand. I mean you have feelings too but this fucking stupid ignorant society being the way it is against it.It fuckin' pisses me off. Best of luck to you man...hehe it's okay to be EMO once in awhile.
I agree. I hate today's society. Your situation is the prime example of it. And it's too bad that you can't have a relationship with him like others would in your school, girlfriend and boyfriend. If I were you I would be one angry kid, because I already am.
Yes same for me
i would've but i had unexpected plans involving three of my friends and a really tiny car... lol... sorry... i wish i could've though... i told that