lol... i saw... that's funny...

u made me laugh... not so bad now... still feel like the biggest loser in the world... but anyways

on with life i guess, right...
as it says on the 100 Things Everyone Should Know About Me...

25. I have never had a boyfriend.

hahaha... i'm such a loser... lol... go me... and I think I found a dress for homecoming... i'll make heather take TONS of pictures
read my new entry
yeh, but I got screwed over and now a lot of people know that I fell for it and that makes me the laughing stock of my group of friends... i feel so unloved... but yeh... fuck it... i give up... there's no use in trying... this is exactly what happened to me the other, what, dozen times i fell for someone... if that... so yeh... i'm hopeless and have no luck...and i am happy for u and *him*, i still love him, but in a best-friend way... so... :'(
that's exactly why I hate it when everyone says that I shouldn't say FUCK LOVE!!... I don't give a damn about it anymore... or anything else for that matter... I just want to get out of this hell-hole skool and get my own life away from all the gossipers, and liers, and cheaters, and fags (i don't mean that the way u think, it's a relative term... it's not aimed towards you) continuing..
so... yeh... I hate this fucking skool, and just when my life was getting good I find this out... way to go me... I think GOD is just out to fuck my life to pieces... aren't i loved...

it's too damn quiet in here... i'm about to fucking scream ...

maybe ill have to call my parents is rusty giving you a ride home
because I don't think that ms. culp would like that...

i swear... i'm gonna cry...
fuck... lucky u...

i'm about to die...

she's not gonna care... she let like 5 people go earlier and yet she wouldn't let me go with 20 minutes left because Daniel stole my fucking water bottle and wouldn't give it back... so I yelled at him and now she thinks its funny to say no u can't go to the bathroom
i would, but i can't afford to get written up...
hahahahha i love your little popup thing.

and what about a skirt?
hi... it's salem...


did u talk 2 him?

see ya later

he was on, but everytime i got on he left... so yeh...