This is why I don't like your family

His mom, ex heroin user, treats him like he is non existant. Clearly favors the daughter, who eloped, got knocked up and tries to lecture him about shit she doesn't know about, mind you has no education. Christian asked his mom to borrow money to pay for some unexpected expenses for the move that just occured a couple of days ago. Instead she asks "why the fuck doesn't she have a job" (me) and why don't we ask my parents. Bitch, are you serious? Don't you know my dad KINDA has cancer and can't work a full time job? And yeah, my mom is a great stay at home mother? But it's cool if you volunteer us to help you for 5 days when you got your hip surgery 3 weeks ago right? And you must have forgotten that when YOUR ass was having a hard time, your son, gave you $2k. It would be so much easier if she would just let me know that she doesn't like me because the feeling is mutual. I hate when people feel the need to be fake with me. I hope this bitch gets cancer for being a long term smoker cause she's dead to me anyways.

Now the dad, I've never met the dad. Apparently he's better than the mom? Except that he's an ex heroin user as well that recently got released from jail for his 2nd DUI. When he did get out, he called Christian's sister and he never got a call until 1 month after his release.

If I ever win the lottery, I told Christian that I would buy him a new family because in a way it breaks my heart on how he tells me that he loves my family more than his own.

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