
Dont you wish you could go back to grade two? the time after boys and girls had cooties, but before they called eachother names besides the occasional "butthead" or "nincumpoop." things were so much easier back then werent they? no pressure from school, ur parents loved u, no one talked about u behind ur back, and it was easy to approach and befriend the opposite sex. Dont u wish u could go back to grade two? where friendships were many and kids were few?... -Starry Eyes
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yea that would be awesome. except i would go to grade 3 it was great. did we still have snack time in 3rd grade? i dont remember. but wow i miss snack and recess. and havin fun w/all the boys. we made fun of each other all the time and drew gross pictures w/boogers comin out of each others noses and stuff. now that's what i call flirting haha.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him