
Feeling: indulgent
So i know some boy matthew. he's pretty cool i guess. no, scratch that, he's completely and utterly amazing. and i guess he's not just "some boy" he's my boyfriend. and yes we may fight, and yes people might try to break us up with the whole 'he-cheated-she-cheated-he-could-do-better-she-could-do-better' thing, but in reality why should i let another persons gossip contradict my mentality. well, easier said than done i suppose. i have to admit i'm nowhere close to perfect, and i garuntee 50% of the conflict comes from my side which is provoked by my lack of preventing the contradicting of my own mentality and sureness. however...i can also garuntee 50% comes from matthew in result of matching reasons. and sometimes, it gets me shivering to wonder about how tired he's getting of all of it. although, again im contradicting myself. it gets me shivering every time i think of him. and every time, it gets my heart beating faster...and i don't care what he thinks. i don't care if he thinks im cheating on him or i dont like him asmuch as he does or anything along the lines of absolute bullshit that he can think of. because really, the fact is, he's my only one. that's a garuntee i can make, and it's only about him, and it's only gonna be about him for aslong as he lets it. fuck the fighting, fuck the skanks, fuck the gossip. it's about me n him. n that's all that matters.
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