The New Guy...

Hmmm...ive been with my boyfriend for just about 5 months now...and i found out he cheated on me a little over a month ago...and you see normally i wouldnt even think of any other guys, its just ever since he cheated on me i really do feel detached...and u see theres this other guy..and i met him...the only thing is hes in grade 12 and he lives kinda hes graduating and i dunno if hes going off to a college soon or not....and like he does live kinda far so i wouldnt get to see him taht often cuz its like a few hour drive, or if u take the bus its like 5 different buses to get there...but i reeeeeeli like him....and...he SEEMS to like me...but yeah...seems...and stuff...and yeah see i dunno if i should go with this new guy cuz like im not even with him and he quit drinking and no more like drugs n stuff just cuz he knows i dont like them... while the guy im with promised me he wouldnt do those things and still did them and lied to me about it....and like....this new guy seems so much better...but then shouldnt i just leave wuts already good? should i go for this new guy or stay with my regular old guy even though hes done so much to hurt old guy seems to be changing...but this new guy doesnt even have to change...he seems great the way he is...i just dont know what to do....please help...please?... -Starry Eyes
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i would personally stay with what you have. While the other guy seems like he'd be so much better [and maybe he would] when he goes away yur not gunna have your boyfriend or this new guy. and then you're gunna be even worse off than you are now. I understand that it's hard right now and you are probably having a bunch of doubts but i'm sure it will get better. I doubted my bf and broke up with him then got back with him cause i messed up. g/l xo
hey... yea, i've been doing okay thanks =) no more suicidal depression *crosses fingers*...

i think you should stay with you boyfriend too... did he apologise for cheating on you? was it bad cheating? cause those two things could change it...

haha. This is deathxbyxradio.. only my new diary. ;];]

=O DUMP THIS GUY! If he cheated on you then you can do WAYYYYY better. Ive been cheated on before & trust me.. no one deserves that!
Personally, I'd leave your boy, but not for the other guy, because of the cheating issue. Thats just wrong to me & I have quite a strong hate for cheaters. As for the other guy, if you do leave your guy, I wouldnt jump right into the relationship with the other one. I'd get to know him and find out if you really liked him or if you thought you liked him because you were feeling hurt from your boyfriend cheating on you