The Click...

K well when ur going out with someone theres supposed to be a CLICK...well with me n my boyfriend, there is no click. It's totalli not that i dont like him anymore or something cuz i like him more than the world, but there is just no click and i dont know why!! it's really bugging me, i dont know if he notices too, or if hes like trying to do this, or if he doesnt like me now or wutever the hell, but gah, i keep trying to find the damn click and its not there!!! i want it to be there, this guy is like...WOW....heh, i like him sooo much!!...but...hey atleast on a lighter note my best friend said he was moving in with me once he graduated, he's graduating a year earlier than i am, but my parents are moving out and hes moving in...i cant believe my parents actualli said they were gunna move out a year before i graduate so i could live with my friends. for once they were actualli being relli relli relli kool, theyre usually sooo protective...=S -Starry Eyes
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i so know what you mean. hold in there. i told my boyfriend friday night that i thought we should maybe try being friends for a while. basically it.s cos there was no click. like i really like him and stuff but it was just a really strange relationship. and i feel so bad and things are so terrible and awkward now. don.t make the same mistake i did.
lol. well the library by my house is well differnt lol. cuz like we dont really have anywhere else to go ona monday lol so the library is the place to be lol :)
i confuse myself sometimes too. heh.

if there is no "click" you better end anything before he really gets into you. you do NOT want to break hearts :(

bu bye
ur parents are moving out?!?! thats the sweetest thing i ever heard. omg. u are a lucky son of a bitch lol. congrats on that!
there's supposed to be a click? shit! I've been missing something!
oh well, i don't need a click to be happy. And i doubt you do, either.
Have you had the 'click' in a relationship before or is this just something you've picked up from chick flicks?
arr, swimmin' with the dolphins in the briney deep! yarrrr!

Ah well, i suppose I've just never felt a "click." I've felt butterflies, and once when he surprised me with a kiss my knees went jelloid...but nothing like a "click."
haha yup. they got nothin on Me.
every1 elses opinion do NOT matter to me :)