Tiny Bitch...

yes so for once i actualli ended up getting in trouble for something...i mean i've talked to the cops before but they never did anythin relli bad or nutn but like yeah...its kinda ironic, ive never gotten in trouble, and ive always been the one who did bad things...but this time i actualli didnt do anything and i ended up gettin in trouble. its so retarded though, someone called this short chik n left like a 'mean message' on her answering machine so they said it was me, and since it was my '3rd time' 'doing bad things' to this girl, they suspended me and they wanna put a restraining order on me. its so retarded, people make prank calls all the time, and i didnt even make this call, u can even tell the voice yet theyre still saying it was me....and shes so psycho that she called the plice on me. IT WAS A PRANK CALL, SHES GOTTA GET A FUCKING LIFE! -Starry Eyes
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haha yah thats slightly retarded. sounds like something someone @ my school would do. xo
I wanted the north stage but erins paying & she wanted north so I was like OK! haha, I wanted north because they have thrice. I ♥ thrice foreverrrrrrr
the PO lease can suck it !!!
