So I Got Ditched For My Brother...

Feeling: crummy
so i had plans with someone. and i cancelled my other plans so that i could chill with this person. but yet again, this person ditched me for my brother. now i have this problem with people doing that, cuz my brother is basically the most popular guy in...well the whole city, so i've always been scared when talking to people cuz i never know whos making friends with me because they actually wanna be friends with me, and whos making freinds with me just so they can get close to my brother (because i've had that happen toooo many times) now this one chik i met her and we clicked and i was so happy. she was the first person i showed this diary too and she even has the username for it(dear god i hope she forgot it.) but she sais she's going downstairs when she comes over to have a smoke with my brother. and then she just. . . doesnt come up. . . and a few hours later she'll finally come chill with me for about 20 minutes then go home. i trust people too easily. give em the key to ur life and they'll ditch you for ur own brother. harsh.
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that really sucks. you should tell your brother when you want to be friends with the people and let him know not to lead them on and tell him to back off a bit so they'll get the hint that they're supposed to be friends with you and not use you for him.