Now I'm Relli Confused...

Last night i was talking to my boyfriend at about 3:30 in the morning. He started sayin all this stuff to try to turn me on n stuff and then i said i love u...but then i accidentally called him by my best guy friends name...:S n he was like wut? n im like uhh...nothing... n hes like oh, okay. And then i did it again later..:S...i KNOW i'm not intrested in my friend, n i luv my boyfriend alot, but i dont know why i did that... -Starry Eyes
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haha wow. did he notice both times? did he say nething to u? that kinda sucks. it's like that Friends episode when Ross said Rachel's name on the alter instead of the lady's name. dont get me wrong ive seen a few friends episodes but im not major obsessed like most people *cough my loser friends* gl w/ur name problem haha. bye