
I have fallen head over heels. I do not "think" this.. I know this. I am experiencing this. It's dangerous yet wonderful. It's not scary or weird or uncomfortable. It's just happening and we are just riding it out.

John says things like "you know I really hope that these last couple of weeks have been as much as a positive and uplifting experience for you as it had for me"... obviously that wasn't verbatim but it's sweet things like that. He finds me really sweet and nice and he says I make him feel good about himself.. and he doesn't feel self conscious around me.. what does he have to feel self conscious about?

I'm being as open as I can, and surprisingly even in the last week and a half it's become easier. I am less hesitant and not at all concerned about his reactions to me or my feelings. I'm glad that I have the same affect on him as he has on me.. and that he said things like work was boring and he found himself thinking about me and wondering what I was doing.

we appreciate each other.. each other's company. we respect each other.. and we just really like one another.. plain and simple I guess.

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