
hmmm what's been going on?... well uhh Dan spent all of Saturday night with Chelsea... as in they stayed up all night together.. Kiera accused me of using her and Mercy to get to Dan..and last tuesday Dan informed me that he still has feelings for Chelsea. Friday they went on a walk together in Hinkley park.. They flirt constantly.. intentionally... and uhhh they skipped something the other day together?... Yeah and I am still with him. I am so glad I am sitting her attempting to enjoy myself... as far away from Maine as I could get.. and I get to wonder whether he is with her .. doing god knows what. yeah nice time. Chelsea is really cool.. or so I thought.. I didn't know she would take anything so far as to try and spend as much time as possible with him and try to get him back knowing I am with him. yeah nice times man... I am so glad he has the balls to break up with me or fucking sort his shit out with her. Quite honestly I really like the kid... I went through so much stuff with my parents and all that.. and for nothing?.. YES! LOVE IT... uhh what else.. hmm.. Sunday I told him I was so close to breaking it off with him because he needed to sort his shit out and all that but I didn't. Everything was okay with us.. or so I thought... Nick was talking to him and he said he didn't know whether he was going to break up with me or not.. so basically if things start doing well with Chelsea he will break up with me for her.. and if they don't he'll stay with me?.. yeah have to love that one. He told Nick we argue and fight a lot.. which is really not true when he doesn't say anything other than nod and apologize for whatever. hmm I dont know..I never really do..maybe I am asking too much? I was thinking about calling him tonight and just saying look, I want to apologize to you for freaking out and making you do whatever.. but it just really bothers/ed me etc. Or maybe I won't I dont know. The conversations we have aren't very productive nor are they pleasant. ergh... >:o
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