
Today was amazing for some reason. Until I got one of the worse migraines of my life... I thought a lot about what britta told me about kyle and I realized a lot... I don't even know what exactly, but it was good, incredibly good...You know when you have something on the tip of your tongue and you just can't say it as much as you want to because you don't know what it is. Just that it's there.. Well I kinda feel like I just 'said' whatever it was... and i feel really weird.... not my usual mean sarcasim usually used to hide anger etc. Good. Much. Though I am disapointed in a lot of people. I just kind of realized they are dumb and not worth my time... heh yeah saturday : will johnny + me and jess... yeah the kaler kids reunited thursday : 1 year thursday : larry go away my turn... New years 04 with johnny. New years 05 with johnny & kiera. the death of eric whitten, "get 'ya wings." Halfway walks. Conversing with neala. Drinking in the woods. Having migraines. "the incident". watching DROP DEAD FRED w/ birtta. Colorado. millcreek w/ Britta. ditching hoys. hanging out w/ hoys. lemon gum. band practice. nazi mommie. lieing to nazi mommie. laser tag. brunswick. alex van. mga. falling asleep on the phone. high school's a big one I guess? all those cool juniors. Tenting out. "DO IT". nose piercings & mustaches. going through 3 guys in 3 1/2 months. being ignored by A.V. alex (sister) hating me because i talk to people in her grade. alex (sister) telling mommy dearest i am having sex. no more GROWTH HORMONES. no more needle marks. spinal tap. washington dc < puking in hall, shots of MD, white t shirts in the rain.> skiing. snowboarding. CHEWBAKAH. kiera. wierd dave.. breaking my thumb trying to be emma. sevendust. 'phil'. ericas mom calling mine a slut. my mom replying with "at least i dont give head to cops to get out of oui's." sitting on a roof w/ britta and bruce. getting wasted, puking profusely on alex's arm. alex wellington. cold hands. phone bills. sleeping on the roof. mono. viral menengitus. allyssa cheating on sam. sam using her for sex. giving dj head. messing around with matt. not learning her lesson. last night of summer. cold hearted ness. fishey. walking to hoangs. dream machine. walking through the old port looking for dumb crap.
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nazi mommie >:O
"the incident"

i love you for putting that there haha
