blah blah blah

Feeling: sly
I stayed home today again. I really can't miss school, but like... I have strep throat, I think. It sucks. I can't breathe out of my nose and every time I swallow it's like I'm swallowing razorblades. Fuck, this sucks. Eee, I better be better by Saturday or I am going to be PISSED! I do NOT want to miss the show! Err. I love this song.♥
I see stars/fallin' all around your head...
Im going to go back to bed. Take it easy, sleeeazies. _justine
Read 9 comments
I know, I would DIE to see the Beatles as they were. But, I have a plan! I am going to be nanny for Bowie's little girl, he is going to like me SO MUCH that he will tell Sir Paul McCartney, and I will be HIS nanny. Then, Paul would love me SO MUCH, and would introduce me to George Harrison's son...who is a total clone of his father, which I think is HOTTTTTT. How's that for a goal, eh? But until then, Ill just be a maid for my grandparents.
haha yeah i know. i wanted to but im kinda scared of crowds lol, not big on confrontation. anyways,.that would be cool if you cut your hair, would look cute! but your long hair is awesome anyways. love ya!
i hope you feel better!
lol horay for chipmunks!!
horay for friedns too :P
I love the header quote from the beloved Queen and David Bowie. Hells yeah.
haha. I love you'r top left picture & your header picture too! Cute!

thanks for the comment. and yes, yes I did make my own layout. I think it's pretty snazzy too.
U dont have strep throat. But i hope u feel better. ♥... but no luck with money for the show.. maybe i will be a cool cat and sit outside.. yes?
Aww I hope you get better soon love =D

Ah I think I'm gonna stop poking around for now. =P
I always find the bad ones.
The rejects.

I love that quote 'guys are such hormonal raging beasts.'
I shall use that. =D

Haha sometimes I'd kill to know what its like to be single again but then when I see him I actually feel silly for even thinking that.
He's great.
My other half. =P
