Fuckin' Hell

Feeling: sporty
Im split 'cause Im pissed that my computer is a friggin' idiot, but Im also happy cause I had a really good day. I woke up around 1 and got in the shower. I met Kody at the park and we walked to Vons and bought cookie dough with Coca-Cola & then at Sav-On's we bought gummi worms and Jolly Rancher's. We walked back to my house and then we baked cookies and watched the Goonies and talked. We chilled in my room for a little while just poking fun at each other. Kass and Ash came a little later. Then Kody left and we took Ash & Kass home. Ashley found a kitten but she can't keep her so her sister's friend Caitlyn might take her but if she can't then kass gets the kitty!!!! Ahh okay well Im going over there right now so Ill write more later. [edit]K so I'm at Kass's now. The kitty is soo friggin' cute!!! Apparently Ashley like forgot to feed her or something so me and kass [well actually kass] was like Mission Impossible 3 status and she went into her kitchen and stole a can of food for kitty. The kitty is totally grubbin' down. I stuck my finger in her food and then let her lick some off and she was totally hungry. It was so sad. I was tearful. Well anyway... I don't think there's anything else to write. Exactly a week until we go to Sacramento! I won't be able to update for three weeks. So umm well I'm going to go but anyway I'll update tomorrow. peece&lauv -justine
Read 13 comments
god i hate sacramento..i would be going there with my mom in a week also, but i have to go to summer school. oh well.
3 weeks!! damn
i want a kitty!
sounds like a good day. and busy.
take care.
core ta nee
ah i love that icon.
imma go watch emperors new groove now
Aw, don't boycot my diary. =(
I'll update...I'll update...I will...Tonight...Maybe.
Probably not, but whatever.
yes you are exactly correct..only I don't know if you really mean what you wrote..or if you're just sayin that..but yes he missed out on his childhood..and he's going backwards..

I'm so hurt. =(

Really, I am!
So I'm going to go write an entry. An entry that'll tell all about how you broke my heart, by boycotting my diary.
It'll be so emo, even you'll cry.
Psh, sure, WHATEVER you say.
(i like riders of the storm) hahaha..."oh yeah! i forgot! shaun doesn't surf any more OR pick his but!"-orange county. i love orange county. it's one of my new favorite movies. a while ago my friend chels. randomly bought home a kitty even though her mom told her no, and her mom let her keep it any way, cuz it was too cute to throw out. maybe that could work?
Haha I think you will do just that, I think I shall follow along the same lines. Fuck 'em. I love the layout, it freaking rocks.
Ooo and the doors. Good band. Great even.
Ooo a little kitty.
I'm a sucker for kittens. I'm a sucker for anything cute, I just wanna take it home and snuggle it.

I don't really like stereotypical people.
I just don't know where I'd fit in.
I think I'm a whole lot of things crammed together.
I HATE first impressions!
Why must I put it back? You know you do. Do you not trust me enough, to think that some other girl is out owning my left thumb?!
Yeah, go ahead. Use whatever you want.
well in that case, that's very cool..and I'm glad you feel that way..
