Incoherent Ramblings

Feeling: regretful
I don't have very much time because my computer might not let me update this. I went to dinner with Kass & her dad. I've tried my very best to keep myself from calling... People. Ahem. We're supposed to go to the movies tomorrow with Tyler but knowing him and past experiences he will flake out like always for some lame excuse ("I want to go biking!!") I've been listening to alot of like emo-ish bands on It's cool though because it's free. Hooraw. I talked to Sean for a little while. Hes doing good :) which is good. Him and his girlfriend are so cute!! Gah well I dont know what else to write about so I guess I'll see you guys later. ♥_justine
Read 8 comments
ew book reports are grossxcore.
hate reportsssssss.

Some girls are okay but the rest are just such drama.
platonic guy friends are nice though.
wow. that was amazing advice. i never thought of it like that. thank you soo much! it makes me feel a lot better about myself.

right on, justinee, right on.

gus and i were just talking about the same thing, haha.

i like the change

why thank you

i think we all need to go to a non existent JA

ha ha

err i am sleepy and in class


with my good lucks ?? haaahhaaaa
thanks though

your bg??

a simple comment of..tell me the story is what you left me...what did you mean...?
hehehe that would be so funny! hmmm,..i wonder what he was doing down there, probably trying to convert people lol.
i dont no we just started talkin
did you find it