Die Today, Live Forever

Feeling: drowsy
[Edit] Im so glad I went to the show. Aejis fucking rocked!! Oh wowza...I mean...Incredible. And I saw/met my friend Nik. And he was drunk...And it was funny. And thennnn... what else. Umm there was a mosh pit, and these chicks were 'drunk'. Whatever makes them happy? : . But yeah Im so excited to go to the show tomorrow, too. Singled Out is going to fucking ruuuule! Sweeeeeeeeeeet. Im really proud of myself for not letting one or two people ruin my entire night. Which is really good..*yawn* well Im fucking tired so Im out. Oh before I go... Me and Kassie were sitting down by these steps by Funiture King or w/e. And Dylan Rogers walks by and smiles and kinda messes up his hair, and then we lean over and keep watching him as he walks away and then he looks back!! Omg. It was so fucking hilarious. Ill never forget that. Ahahahaha. Wooooo! See ya later!! **** Dear Diary, Well. Tonight is the Aejis concert. I don't know if I really feel up to going. I always get so excited about things like this and I just don't feel like it right around the time it's time to buckle down and go. Eeeek! I know I promised Brooke I'd actually go this time, and I want to see Bryant and Aejis play because they're really GOOD... But I just don't know. School has been ok. My not hanging out with people has been reduced to me spending my time with freshman boys while they compare pentagrams they drew with pen on their hands, or Cradle of Filth t-shirts. Oh how lovely. Don't get me wrong, those kids are nice kids. Really. But...Its just so tiresome and dull. Day after day. Maybe I should rent some movies, or something? Oh! I dyed my hair. :) it looks really good, I think. Everyone was telling me it looks really cute so I'm pretty content with it. I just wish it turned out more brownish than red how it did. It looks more burgendy than anything. Oh well! It's super soft, so I can't complain. Foods class is just the best. Mr. Henggler is really funny & nice. And the girls at my table are nice. There's a girl Kelly who moved to our table and she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. And the nicest, too, so it's super hard to hate her. Hahaha!
Hiding from heaven Young man going west
_Justine P.s.-I'm re-reading Smack again. :) should be interesting.
Read 17 comments
I'll be looking forward to it.

Well I'm glad you went to the show and had a good time. You needed some sort of release
thats his nickname to all his friends and all. its really funny,..i dont know why, i think hes had it since hes been little. anyways,...funnay! love you lots. bye byes-jackie
wow,.that sucks about loner guy man. what does he look like? probably some coincidence like always and ill know him or something weird like that!! you have to show him to me. ok i will bring your present for break. its really heavy and big,...UGh make me carry it around,..anyways. i love you lots. please dont forget!! yeah i see what you mean about nick and all,..that really sucks but he will be here soon so thats good. they call yamagutchi- FISH
I don't remember the last time i went to a show to see a show. hmmm wow it's been a long time. hmmm wow, this is pathetic
yeah me too, it's a big show. supposed to be quite a bit of people. ehh oh well things will be good. Hope you have a good time tonight
I love them too!
I might go see them
In Philly
..Taste of Chaos..
should be awesome!

sounds like an awesome weekend. I'm actually playing a show tonight so yeah...it'll be groovy
Hey! Things are actually VERY wonderful! I was so upset yesterday afternoon, but Mike made the night so wonderful and I will never ever forget it. :) I love you!!
ah isee,...haha i like the furby thing. hmm that sounds cool about his nickname. so what is up with him? does he still have a gf( yamagutchi),..do you have a class with him or what? i see,...hmmm do you still want to make crazy babies with nick then? seems kind of frustrating to me! hehe love you lots. present time when??????????? -jackie
well if you're offering. hmmmmm
Thank you!
I like your diary!
The hottie is Matt
from Ludo..

Hahaha I wish something mentally disturbing happened in my sleep but I'm afraid not.
Ah I was completely irrational and paranoid and we're totally fine by the way =D
Ah thanks for commenting though, was nice and did make me feel much better having another opinion other than mine.
Haha glad school is so....interesting, the whole drawing pentagrams on hands sounds just thrilling

It's okay, I left early due to friend issues and such.

You didn't miss out on much.

I dunno if I can go to the concert on sunday, I want to see if one of my friends can go, and he probably is or something.

Have fun.

And those freshmen kids sound stoopid.

Sorry, they do. :)

haha yeah a little bit better
are you going to the singled out show tomorrow tho?
I'm sorry justine!!!
hahaha tasty isn't a word I'd use but okay