[last thing on my mind]

Feeling: eh
Things that make me happy: My friends. My music. Animals. The internet. Really good food. Sleeping in. Staying up late just to have really good conversations with people. Nature. The sky. Trees. The sound&smell of rain. Driving in the car with the window down and having a really good song blasting on the radio. Laughing. Smiling. Pretty boys. Pretty boys with even prettier smiles. That appreciated quiet. Fighting for causes. Movie theaters. Puppies&kitties. The feeling of sand in between my toes. Enjoying myself. Seeing people happy. Things that make me unhappy: Whiners. Ungrateful assholes. People who don't see how good they have it [then they bitch and complain when it gets taken away]. Dwelling in the past instead of living in the future. Animal abuse. Mean people. Conceitedness. Arrogance. Ignorance. Girls who dress&talk&act trashy. Excessive drug users. People who can't see they have a problem when they do. Going back to school after summer. Losing friends. Falling away from them. Being alone. The taste in your mouth when you wake up. Spiders. Death. War.
Read 9 comments
yes hes EXTREMELY gorgeous
WOOT WOOT! Thanks for all those nice comments!! come visit me sometime ok!! im excited but i have to wear ugly clothes,..lol thats ok. i love you too!! hehehe
thank you : )

yeah it's kinda fun because I get to hang out with people for half the day and it's SUPER EASY
I so have a B in algebra when before I had an F.

I make you happy...Right?

And how was I supposed to know your birthday was in November? You said something about being somewhere on your birthday, so I assumed it was soon...=P
very good lists!!
i updated for you!! haha.

hey your diarys lookin pretty hott.
and im ur friend on myspace =) haha.

well, ill ttyl =)
haha yeah you could totally come see me. i start today and im soo scared!! i hope i do okay,..... i love all the same things as you !! lol
ps what is your aim thingy?
oh it's been pretty good
I hang out with my frined everyday after school so it's cool
she has a pool and friends who can drive
my boyfriend broke up with me
did I tell you that?
like 2 weeks ago or something