Feeling: happy
The show last night was actually kind of fun. I didn't like the music at all but the hardxcore kids provided enough entertainment throughout the night... Spinning their arms around in the air really fast acting like they're human fans... Crashing into your table and almost making you an even 3 ft. tall... Seeing your ex-boyfriend (who is now your friend) sliding like 3 feet after he gets drop-kicked... Seeing emo kids paying $7 for some chick to show them her tits... Watching the emo boys sit there and try and flash everybody... Hearing the WEIRD shit Damian & Brian came up with while making fun of the afore-mentioned emo kids... Acting like a retard with Kassie... Ahhh. Good times. I had my mom bring me my Vans because I was wearing flip-flops earlier in the day, and I was telling Kassie this and she was like, "Hahaha, you'd totally get your foot stepped on and be like, 'OWWWWWW!' and some hXc kid will be like, 'DUDE YOU SHOULD TOTALLY SING FOR OUR BAND! With MY lyrics and your voice, we could totally rock!'" Hahahahahaaha. Ohhh man. Its kind of one of those things where you had to BE there.
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The shows must suck where you are.
thanks so much for coming yesterday
im adding u as muh buddy
haah yea that was pretty crazy, i didnt think it was possible to get kiked outta payless...
anyways, yea we had fun, we didnt get to go with our friend tho.
but yea we did go out to dinner with my mom and her bf, it was fun i guess, well sounds like u had fun at the show :)
Hahahaha sounds like fun. Yes go the hating boys entry. Sheep/lamb...hehehehe. New Zealands famous animal.
Ah our year is divided into 4 terms, each term lasts for 9-11 weeks and at the end of a term we get 2 weeks holiday. We get about 2 months off for Christmas...our summers are not that great so I suppose thats why. =)
Do you sing, love?
it sucked.. my email address wasnt active so i couldnt confirm that im not a computer =(
yo man thanks for the advise who r u anyway im lespauljr and yea the closet thing that they played was smells like teenspirit
Lol i was there, and i get it. Wait i said it! haha well ya. Good times indeed. I love you!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Haha, emo kids.
i love ledzepplin from ur one entry im starting a band too well idk if u r but its fuckin hard too find a good lead singer unless ur playing grunge like nirvana but if ur doing ledzepplin covers forget it u neeed to get a girl to hit the notes robert plant does lespauljr
Haha, yeah, I saw this androgynous (read: he looked like a girl) emo kid at cedar point the other day. The best part was, there was one very stereotypical emo moment when we were in the front of the line for the gemini and one car was boarding, everyone was talking and having fun with the person next to them, and this kid was sitting there, alone, with a lonely look on his face. Stereotypical emo kid moment. I laughed so hard.
haha im really not sure