this place is cool, it feels just like independence day

Feeling: befuddled
Dear Diary, Do you ever wish you just would have bitten your tounge and not said anything? Because as soon as you say some thing you realize that you didn't mean it or it came out completely wrong and you just wish that it would just disappear? I feel like that some times. Not always, because I try not to regret things too much, but sometimes I feel like that. Like now. After I said some thing I realized that it was just my mind playing tricks on me, fooling with my insecurities. Now I'm afraid I may have messed up a very good thing with some one extremely special. I don't think I did but I'm so afraid that he will think something that is not true. Anyway, I should get to happier things. Nick got my package yesterday and he seemed totally excited and happy about it. I was so nervous, I didn't know if he would like the stuff or not. I'm so glad he did. Also, yesterday I bought and started to read The Great Gatsby. I really like it a lot, it's so neat. It sounds so real!! My grades are the following: C, A, C-, F, C, C. I have to pull up the C- (which shouldn't be hard at all) and the F (which will be incredibly difficult). Gah. Today I ran the mile in 10 mins. and 44 secs. Haha woot-woot for Justinee!! That's my best time all year, bitches!! ;) So anyway theres really nothing else to report. Grady got a spot in the Buena newspaper, so I cut it out :) Nik was mentioned a lot & I told him. He was like, "If it makes it any funnier we were really fucked up when she was interviewing us!" I laughed. Boys. K well I'm going to go. Peace And Love, -Justine [edit-6:52 pm] Soo I changed my layout. I finally found one I liked. I mean I loved the Silverchair, but the way the lettering overlapped was incredibly annoying and hard to read. Soo yeah. Hope you all like Rocky Horror ;)
Theres so much shit I wish I could say But whenever I open my mouth they fall out Onto the ground Shattering Splintering Shining...Blood against concrete. I want you to know that I fucking love you
[end edit-6:55 pm]
Read 5 comments
Kill you eh?

Almost as creepy as the guy on the far right of your header pic.

Awesome new colours and font. *thumbs up*
yea i am not a junkie
i do mainly pills and drink

yea the cops suck ass
its like the know wtf i do

i dont know what to say

justine the thing is i figured since you were able to talk about the last person to hurt you i could too and you were hurt by him right? and it still hurts right? so i thought i could tell you about the things that hurt me and i dont care about her i just feel a sense of regret that i was so stupid and thar i let myself be hurt and i disnt cry over the things she did dont you understand that things hurt and just because you dont care about some
sorry got cut off that the things they did still hurt
What's the F in?
And I know I'm not your diary, but I get that "I wish I hadn't said that" feeling all the time.
Thus I don't talk anymore.

Congrats on the new record!