Listening to: Joan Jett - I love Rock n Roll
Feeling: braindead
Hello. How's everybody doing today? I'm alright, just bored out of my skull at Kassie's.
I feel bad. I was supposed to go to the movies with Zach but I bailed on him because I wanted to stay and talk to Seth online. Blegh. Oh well! It was all good anyway.
Around 10:00 my mom took me over here to Kass's. We just stayed up on the computer and going through her yearbook looking at all the people and pictures and stuff. We crashed around 2:30.
I have this weird recurring dream that my friend Matty comes into my house (but it's not how my house LOOKS) with a gun and goes on a shooting spree and I have to stop him... It's so weird. I dreamt last night that Josh Greigo stabbed some guy in the stomach with scissors. Talk about creepy premonitions. That would suck if that was the case.
This morning I woke up around 10:30 and Kass & I ate some breakfaaast. She cut my hair and hopefully I can go get my eyebrows done in a little bit. I need 'em :).
Uhh... I don't know what else to talk about.
No word from Paul yet, but honestly I don't give a fuck. He can go screw a god damned monkey. Yes, you heard me.
haha look at us.
we're pretty much Eminem homies.
ok i think you get it.
sorry i just dont know anyone else who's seen it haha
i love it =)