I cleaned my room, it only took me four days. Its sick and wrong. one: because my room is actually clean. and two: because it took me four days. But thats all right, it was not that bad. plus now I am not going to trip over anything. I think no matter how much it dragged and how much I moaned and growned, it was all worth it. and it makes me happy.
And guess what else. I am going to be saving a lot of money on gas this month as of today! I wont have to shofur anyone around. I dont have to worry about driving and I will get a lot more excersize! I got my lisence revoked, most people would think that is a bad thing, but me, honestly I like it, its going to be really nice, of course there will be some discomforts but those will be replaced by some good hard work. I am excited.
tonight I pray you, whoever you may be