Trip to SLC

I have decided that I love going places. I like driving around and taking pictures, I am the beggest tourist ever, though I like to think that I look at the more intimate parts of town, I like taking pictures where the pictures look good not of something cool (though I will if it looks cool enough). I like taking pictures, i have taken quite a few good ones too, I am hoping that for my christmas/birthday/graduation/anythingelseIcanthinkof I can get a really good camera, perhaps I can start entering contests and stuff too! but now I am on a big tangent, back to the real thing. So A couple of my friends and me went up to Salt Lake City on Friday we drove through sardine canyon and the trees were awsome. We stoped and I took like ten pictures of those two love birds with the autumn leaves in the background and stuff, a few of the pictures turned out really good, and the ones I did not like I learned lessons from them. Then we went the rest of the way. Oh the reason we went is because this girl I take a lot of pictures of got scouted by a model scout. and she got called twice to go, she didnt make it but she decided it was not her thing anyway. In the city we took a bunch of pictures they were pretty sweet, those two are dancing machines and I got some of them danceing in the street being tutored by this guy who ended up needing money for a bus pass haha! I complied though, I like giving to those in need, it makes me feel good. Anywho. So we did the whole modeling thing, we locked the keys in the car, called the locksmith and went home, overall I think it was a worth while trip even though my friend did not make it into the modeling thing. it was fun hanging out with two of my best friends. Tonight I pray for the continual laughter
Read 2 comments
Seems like you had a good day! That's good!

When you finish writing your poetic story, I think you should post it in an entry. I'm very curious as to what it tis about.


Peace & love & have a great day. =]
where are you from? north of SLC?

i just ask because i'm from an area north of SLC also.