
I Have A Blood Blister Be Amazed o_O Hey ASSHOLE this bit's for you. "One night and one more time Thanks for the memories, Even though they weren't so great He tastes like you only sweeter" xXx
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Who's the asshole..?
Well.. I do also remember you mentioning you were somewhat - what's the word - the one where you struggle to sleep, lol.. but ok, I hope your sleep pattern sorts itself out! I will keep cheerful - and you too!!! G'night! :-)
ILY2. (:
Yes.. your comment is very kind :-) ..and ah.. ok... lol.. true that then!! I hope your feet feel much better soon!! I will be heading off to bed - any later than midnight and my brain starts to churn in contempt at why I'm not yet in bed getting my 'beauty' sleep! lol.. Goodnight madam and may the rest of your week be as you desire! :-)
Never wish to write like another person but that of only yourself!!!! lol.. ...and there was no one with you who would have kindly offered you a piggy-back ride?? :-)
What encouraged you to walk through town barefooted? lol I am pretty well. Was feeling at odds only a while ago, but my latest entry has helped eased that :-)
Hello :-) How are you madam? I hope well!