ty. but i guess i should get a little bit of sleep today. got work @ 7pm until 7am. fun stuff. maybe i'll talk to you later if i ever get on again.
iunno. looked for it a few places, maybe i'll hunt it down later
heh. i need to catch up too. gotta buy it though =X
great show haha.
heh, English? <3 to Monty Python. hated it when they cut off BBC over here. ever watch Red Dwarf?
fair play?
O_o oh! yeah haha, haven't been on here in a while. don't pay much attention to my stuff. guess i stubbed it on something, needed to come off.
you pulled your toenail off with pliers ?
dwww? O_o hurgh?
what O_o pliers?
would be terribly boring indeed.
likely. twould be a rather strange world without its odds and ends.
O_o then i shall not! but still odd
XD ha! why dressed as a cow
mmmmmmmmm'k. >_>
becaause.. it's all chipmunky
that makes me wanna cry =( why the squeak >_<