Fucking Ace Times!! (Y)

(x The day that Travis the trolly died... Kung Pow Moments (x ACE! Our maturity levels amaze me... Also, how gimpy can our haircuts get!? Me and Chrissy-Poo (x I misss him!! Raving on the bus (Y) Ennit. :/ I am disgusting... Irish Jig thang, dont'cha know! From our emo times (x check out the tie (Y) OhSoScene. Clever, clever child.... Me and Chrissy-Poo again(x happy days... When we put whisky in the cookie dough (x blates! Pure Laura abuse!! I reckon they should get me to do the "vote or die" thang xD Me and Phillip (x having BARE jokes, ennit (Y) LOL Me and Chary!! We've got some dance skills, mush! The Pudgyness of Benjy (x no animals were harmed in the making of this clip. LOL Quite immature, and I probably shouldn't have made the ginger comment whilst I was so close to the ginger kid... Loser, baby! (x Hair flipping wickedness (Y) (x Sleepover times (Y)
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