blah blah

Listening to: office space
Feeling: amused
if ya want to know how winter formal went read the entry before this...this is just a quiz thing i stole from soem girls diary... [x] Spell your first name backwards: lraep [x] The story behind your user name?: well when I was little I wanted to be a hippie so the first email address was freethehippies but the that box got too full and was messing up so I made a new one freethehippiesagain so I just use it for everything now so I don’t have to remember too much of anything [x] Are you gay: no way [x] Where do you live: California [x] 5 words that sum you up: hip and in the now [x] Wallet: leather with a flower [x] Hairbrush: old and green. Its the only one I haven’t broken and I’ve had it for so long now I get new one but I always come back to old faithful [x] Toothbrush: yellow [x] Jewelry worn daily: mood best friend’s star necklace, rubber bracelets, and earrings [x] Pillow covers: blue w/ polar bears, and blue w/ flowers [x] Sunglasses: don’t wear them they don’t look good on me [x] Underwear: low rise bikini cut [x] CD in stereo right now: gavin degraw [x] Tattoos: nope [x] Piercings: twice in each ear [x] What you are wearing now: a shirt with I heart and a big picture of john cusac (from 16 candles) and a red belt, and some jeans and socks and shoes and a braw and undies [x] Hair: redish blondish brownish WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [x] In my mouth: gum [x] In my head: its empty [x] Wishing: that you would trip on your Barbie heels and I’d be named prom queen. Did I just say that out loud!? (never been kissed) [x] After this: wha? [x] Talking to: no body [x] Eating: nothing [x] Person you wish you could see right now: my crew [x] Is next to you: the computer [x] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: nothing [x] The last thing you ate: don perico’s [x] Something that you are deathly afraid of: little kids with germs and snot…and never finding “the one” [x] Do you like candles: oooo yeah [x] Do you like hot wax: no [x] Do you like incense: oooo yeah [x] Do you like the taste of blood: sick! [x] Do you believe in love: definitely [x] Do you believe in soul mates: there’s no doubt [x] Do you believe in love at first sight: no I believe in lust at first sight though [x] Do you believe in Heaven: duh [x] Do you believe in forgiveness: yup [x] Do you believe in God: duh [x] What do you want done with your body when you die: the ash thing I can’t think of the name right now. [x] Who is your worst enemy: tons of freshman [x] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be: a cat [x] What is the latest you've ever stayed up: 4:00 [x] Ever been to Belgium: no [x] Can you eat with chopsticks: if I tried [x] What's your favorite coin: the one worth the most [x] What are some of your favorite candy: jolly ranchers, chunkys, symphony bars. Yummy!!! [x] What's something that you wish people would understand: I can hurt you too If I wanted…but I’m not like that! I have respect. [x] What's something you wish you could understand better: grammar [x] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow: I get lots more sleep [x] What does your last name mean: don’t know...father of something? [x] How old are you: 17 [x] How old are you mentally: 18 [x] What are your worst qualities: some times I mumble. Sometimes I don’t hear well. I talk back to my dad…he deserves it though sometimes…I don’t care as much as I should…I get self-conscious some times and fish for complements…I hate it when I do that… [x] What are your best qualities: Im nice and I wont rule you out as a potential friend if you’re a little different. I’m a great advice giver [x] How long does it take you to get ready in the morning: 1-5 hours ~SLEEP~ [x] Do you dream at night: sure [x] Do you remember your dreams: yeah [x] Describe one: I was at this party and me and… [x] What time do you go to bed usually: whenever [x] What time do you wake up normally: on weekdays 5-5:30 [x] What time do you wake on weekends: whenever I want [x] Do you find waking late nice or annoying: love it [x] Do you sleep with one pillow or two: one really but there is like 4 at the head of my bed… ~SCHOOL~ [x] Do you like school: when everything is going great [x] What’s ur fave subject: earth science [x] Most hated subject: p.e. [x] Do you have a fave teacher: Mr. C because if you get him talking about something long enough he wont give you and assignment. [x] Ever had a crush on a teacher: no [x] Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person: english/drama I looooove drama…I like to act and stuff ~FAMILY~ [x] Do you like your parents: yeah...whenever they aren't mean... [x] Ever run away from home: I didn’t get too far it was windy and I was little [x] Ever thought about it: all the time…but I wouldn’t survive on whats in dad’s wallet [x] Do you have any siblings: 4 sisters [x] If so, do you like them or get annoyed with them: both [x] How old are they: misty-25-27..I don’t know/care…DeAnn-21 or 22…denise-20 or 21…april- 14 [x] Do you feel your parents spoil you: some times [x] Do you have big family get togethers ever: one in 8th grade but all the old people are almost dead so there really isn’t a point ~RELATIONSHIPS~ [x] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no…but I’m content [x] If so, are you in love with them: … [x] Do they love you: ... [x] How long have you been together: ... [x] Most romantic thing they've ever done for you: ...sniff... ~Religion~ [x] Do you have a religion: yes [x] Do you practice it: yes [x] Do you believe in God: yes [x] Jesus?: yes [x] Satan?: yes [x] Heaven?: yes [x] Hell?: yes [x] If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you?: I don’t want to think about it [x] Does death scare you?: duh ~Morals~ [x] Have you ever been drunk?: no [x] Taken drugs?: no [x] Stolen?: yes...candy [x] Shoplifted?: a piece of caramel when I was little I buried the wrapper in the backyard and felt guilty for like a week… [x] Tried to commit suicide?: no [x] Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend?: never had one [x] Gotten into a fight?: how about every day [x] Are you more innocent or guilty?: guilty [x] Would you date a drug addict?: no [x] Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict?: no [x] Are you racist?: no but dad is [x] Are you discriminatory to anyone?: no [x] Have you been a hypocrite in the past?: yeah like last night [x] Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings?: both ~Media~ [x] Do you watch tons of TV?: is the story of my life [x] How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months?: I don’t know [x] Do you listen to the radio often?: if I can find a good station [x] Do you read the newspaper?: if it serves my purpose [x] Do you read magazines?: yes [x] Are you a couch potato?: yes [x] Do you use the internet too much?: yes ~Music~ [x] Whats your fave style of music?: rock, alternative rock, punk…lots [x] Do you play an instrument?: no but I REALLY want to play guitar [x] Do you sing?: yes...I think I’m good [x] Whats your fave band?: do I have to pick just one? I like maroon5 and the strokes right now I listen to them the most but I like lots
Read 2 comments
jeez that was a long thing to read how long did that take you
Office Space = Greatest Movie ever
And it was on Comdey Central TWICE yesterday!
*freaks out like a freaking freaky thing*