Drug Laws

Alright, I've got a few complaints about the drug laws that are out now, or at the very least the way that drugs are portrayed in the media. First of all, there's a commerical out now where two guys get into a fight over a bag of pot. The message that they have after the commercial is over is that pot makes you more agressive, angry, and violent. The opposite is basically what happens. Have you ever seen a fight between two guys on pot? No! Because it's IMPOSSIBLE! The extent of the fight goes like this "Hey, dude?" "Hey, what?" "Ummmm...." END OF FIGHT! I mean, all you people who think that there's something wrong with drugs, and that no drug has ever done anything positive, then go home, delete all the MP3s off your computer, sell all of your CDs, and ban MTV from your television set because all of those people involved in all that stuff were high off their asses when they made that! I mean, the Beatles, greatest musicians in the last 50 years, not a studio session went by where they weren't smoking, sniffing, or drinking something. I just think that it's funny that for the war on drugs, that the people taking the drugs...are the ones who are winning! They drugged out people are winning, and they're stoned off their asses! How smart are the people who are drugged up if they can fight an entire government, the US government nonetheless, and be winning! I don't know, my whole point with laws that deal with peoples personal lives is this: What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I put into my body, as long as I don't harm anyone else in the process? People hold up people like Justin Timberlake as this great person because he's a role model for kids because he doesn't do drugs or anything like that. I'm sorry, but when did mediocrity become the mark to make someone a good role model for their kid? When I grow up and have some kids, I don't want them listening to crap like that, I don't care if the lead singer O.D.'ed in a swimming pool, I want them listening to someone who played with their heart. Anyway...I'm outta here.
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i agree!
lets have a war agianst the war against drugs!
you wrote that right.
I loved the entry and I love the Beatles so watch it.
i reckon justin timberlake has probably danced with lady H anyway. think about all the parties he must go to and all the fucking money he's got.