Nothing New

There's nothing new here really, but since people get on my case when I don't update this everyday, I figure I'll do that now. I'm still not technically "in" the fraternity, but I'm kind of like an "unofficial" member until next weekend when I get initiated or something like that. I'm not totally sure, but that's probably because I don't pay attention to stuff like "information". I'm kind of bored and I know that I should be out doing stuff, but I'm stuck on campus until about 11:30 before I go out and hit a couple of different parties off-campus. Until then I'm in my room writing and reading different stuff. I just got done watching the "100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time", and actually agree with the list that they had. They had Richard Pryor as the best stand-up, and theres a lot of truth to that. I always kind of considered him the funniest stand-up I had ever seen. I've been writing more material, but at the same time I've been reading like, Michael Moore and Al Franken books, so I have to keep myself from writing like, political jokes instead of just the usual material only because not everybody agrees with what I'd be saying, so unless I ever get famous, I have to bite my tongue and watch what I say. I'm almost outta here, I've got like, a week of classes and then a week of finals. I'm not that worried about most of them, and I'll have a higher GPA this semester then last semester, so at least I'll be off of "academic probation". It's a pointless threat that they have. I mean, as long as you keep paying your tuition they're gonna let you come here. I'm hesistant about going out tonight because I haven't had a lot of luck lately with going out. I'm kind of riding a 0-31 streak in terms of getting turned down, so I figure I'll start all acting like a jerk to women, 'cause apparently that works. Anyway, I'm done, I ran outta stuff to say, so I'm not gonna keep rambling without a point here, so I'm outta here. JOHN EDWARDS: Everything I tell people is positive and gives them hope. How does that make ME a douche? STAN MARSH: Because the real questions in life are tough: why are we here, where are we from, where are we going? But if people listen to asshole douchey liars like you, we're never gonna find the answers to those questions. You aren't just lying, you're slowing down the progress of all mankind, you douche.
Read 2 comments
Oh my god ... an update on Paul's diary ... Did hell freeze over?

I'm just messing with you and you know that, glad you finally updated.

The new header picture is really recent, I took it just the other day and I love my hair and that picture is in there too, thanks for noticing
Now you're leaving comments on other entries ... Like I won't find them ... Very slick Paul ...

x erin x